The process of mastering is the final step in audio post-production that prepares a song for release. It ensures that the audio will be played back well on various systems, such as vinyl, smartphones, home stereos, audiophile setups, and club PA systems. To achieve high-quality results, it is essential to hire a professional mastering engineer who has the necessary skills and equipment, as well as the ability to listen attentively and make appropriate decisions.
In addition to stereo mastering, we also offer stem mastering, which involves working with separate audio files for each group of instruments or vocals. This can provide greater control and potentially better results, but it is not a substitute for mixing. If your mix is not up to par, consider using our online mixing service to improve it.
We can master for multiple purposes, such as vinyl, CD, streaming and more. Contact us for more info.
Mixing is the process of combining individual tracks into a cohesive song by adjusting levels, creating a stereo sound stage, applying equalization and compression, processing effects, creating fades, and reducing noise. It is a technical and creative process that requires experience, specialized tools, and a professional and artistic approach. Some of the tasks involved in mixing include setting the levels of individual tracks, crafting the stereo sound stage, applying equalization and compression, processing effects and more tricks.